Bookmark this page to watch the roundtable discussion on Friday, December 8, at 2 pm.
MANILA, Philippines – Three in 5 women experience sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime, a study revealed in 2016.
In most cases, sexual harassment incidents are left untold for fear of being called a "whore," or being told that "she enjoyed it anyway."
But there are also women who refuse to be caged in fear. Recently, the hashtag #MeToo trended on social media when people shared their painful personal stories in response to a series of sexual misconduct in Hollywood and in the Philippine indie music scene.
How do we break the silence on sexual violence?
On Friday, December 8, at 2 pm, Rappler social media producer Marguerite de Leon will moderate a roundtable discussion with UN Women's Chang Jordan, Filipino Deaf Women Health and Crisis Center's Rowena Rivera, and the Institute of Politics and Governance's Hubert Belandres to talk more about ending sexual violence.
Join the conversation by using the hashtag #SafeCities, #FreeFromFear, or #MeToo. –